Wednesday, January 4, 2017

1970 - Mt. Baker & The Golden Ears

Mt. Baker - Washington State - Northern Cascades
Mt. Baker on Google Maps
My Flickr site for more pictures - 
Dennis enjoying the view.
We slept on the moraine and woke up about 3:00 am. A large furry tail brushed by my head - an introduction to a Mt. Baker marmot. We dined on cookies and fruit cocktail for breakfast. Just below the buttes I threw up and thought about my lost breakfast, such as it was! Dennis Brown was very much a go getter and we managed to pass everyone before they got to the summit.
Actual summit is on the SE corner of the crater.
I was not going quickly enough evidently, because the rope was tight as we approached the summit. I remember that my ski jacket didn't provide me the warmth I wanted. The thin hood did little to keep my head warm. I decided then to get a down parka! The view from the top was spectacular, like being in an airplane!

Golden Ears
Golden Ears on Google Maps
Proper names for the various peaks of Mt. Blanchard
Paula enjoying the sunset.
The weekend after Dennis and I went up Mt. Baker I went up the Golden Ears with Paula Panek, her brother Peter, and mom. We camped on PanoramaRidge and watched this incredible sunset go down over Vancouver.
Paula, Peter, & Mrs. Panek
I think we don't get to spend enough time in the mountains. There is something wonderfully therapeutic about it.

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