Monday, January 9, 2017

1980 - Singing Pass - Whirlind Col, Diamond Head Ski, Blackwall Ski, Three Brothers Traverse

Chuck on Sir Donald

Whirlwind-Fissile Col in Winter
Location of Whirlwind Peak
Singing Pass

I remember having to place the skis on the ground carefully outside the hut so they wouldn't blow away. I remember having to wear goggles a lot up high and attaching my mitts to my jacket so they wouldn't get lost to the winds. I remember a long line of skiers in front of me, skiing out of Singing Pass up towards the Himmelsbach Hut and thinking that I was going to have a very nice trail to follow. ;-)

Climbing out of Singing Pass

We started low, just above what is now Whistler Blackcomb Village. That's when it was still a gravel pit/garbage dump. We made it to the hut in fading light and enjoyed the wintery look to the area I had seen only in the summer. It was spring break.
In the picture to the left, Chuck McCafferty is just starting to climb out of Singing Pass on the way to the hut. Black Tusk is in the background.

Not the weather to be unprepared.
The ski up to the Whirlwind-Fissile col was made in ever worsening conditions. The snow was blown in near horizontal sheets, but visibility allowed for glimpses over to Castle Towers just below the dark gray clouds. The eyes hurt without the goggles, and stopping below the col, I remember having to be careful going into my pack for a drink that nothing got blown away. I decided against going up the even windier col, and soon everyone was on their way down.
Even though it was uncomfortable, being out in those conditions was wonderfully stimulating. I love the mountains and to experience its wild side from inside the comfort of good clothing, a hut, and with friends. It makes you feel alive.
The picture above includes Bob Needham, Chris Cooper, David Harris, Alan Lizee, and Chuck McCafferty. Also included besides myself was Corina Achison.

Diamond Head Ski - Garibaldi Park
Location of high point on Paul Ridge
Lynn enjoying high point on Paul Ridge.

I have no idea how many trips we have made to Diamond Head above Squamish, although it would be true that Chris has made more. Suffice it to say that we have been there quite a few times. Here my wife Lynn enjoys a break at high point. This picture was part of a Carleton catalogue in the early eighties.

Blackwall Peak

Location of Blackwall Peak

Three Brothers Traverse Day Trip - Manning Park
Location of the Three Brothers highest peak.

In the spring Chris Cooper and I did the Three Brother's traverse as a day trip. This also included going up the highest Brother. It was a long day but possibly because of the spring conditions, firm snow, and lots of daylight we did it with some time to spare. We were also younger then. ;-)
The map below shows our normal route for the traverse. Depending on conditions, it is usually done as an overnight trip.

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